The Closure of Nasal Septal Perforation by Custom Made Septal Obturators - First Experiences

Authors: M. Plášek;  Pavel Komínek ;  L. Čábalová;  P. Matoušek
Authors place of work: klíčová slova, perforace nosního septa, septální obturátor, 3D tisk ;  Klinika otorinolaryngologie a chirurgie hlavy a krku Fakultní nemocnice OstravaPrevalence perforace nosního septa se v dospělé populaci pohybuje kolem 1 %. Klinicky se perforace nosního septa většinou manifestují pocitem suchosti v nose s tvorbou krust ve
Published in the journal: Otorinolaryngol Foniatr, 67, 2018, No. 2, pp. 56-59.
Category: Původní práce


The prevalence of the nasal septal perforation is about 1% in adults. Almost 65% of perforations are symptomatic. Patients suffer from dry nose and crusting which leads to the obstruction of the nasal breathing. Therapeutic possibilities are either surgical closure of the perforation or closure by using the septal obturator. The results of surgeries are unsatisfying. There was a possibility to cure patients with nasal septal perforation with custom made septal obturators in University Hospital Ostrava (from 2015 to October 2016). The obturators were made by 3D printing technology using data from patient’s CT scans. 14 of 15 patients were satisfied with the therapy and their symptoms were milder or disappeared. Nasal septal perforation therapy with custom made septal obturators using technology of 3D printing appears to be effective and promising therapeutic method.


nasal septal perforation, septal obturator, 3D printing


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