Inflammatory Pseudotumor of Temporal Bone

Authors: Z. Horáková ;  H. Binková;  R. Kostřica
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika otorinolaryngologie a chirurgie hlavy a krku LF MU a FN u sv. Anny v Brně přednosta prof. MUDr. R. Kostřica, CSc.
Published in: Otorinolaryngol Foniatr, 64, 2015, No. 4, pp. 219-222.
Category: Case Reports


Inflammatory pseudotumor, or inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, is benign, but shows an aggressive behavior. Its occurrence in temporal bones is extremely rare. In radiodiagnostics it is mimicking malignancy. Treatment in this localization indicates primarily surgical resection, which allows local control, or non-surgically with corticotherapy. Strict radicality of resection is not necessary, discrete surgically inaccessible residue does not impair the generally good prognosis of the disease.

We report a case of 42-year old male who was treated surgically for a temporal bone tumorous mass with osteolysis of surrounding bone. Histological result surprisingly confirmed an inflammatory pseudotumor. Surgical complete resection produced an excellent result, and the patient has been for several years without evidence of tumour recurrence without hearing loss.

inflammatory pseudotumor, myofibroblastoma, temporal bone infiltration


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