Visual Reinforcement Audiometry. Behavioral Method for Hearing Examination in Small Children
M. Vojnová; M. Lejska; J. Smisitelová
Authors‘ workplace:
AUDIO-Fon centrum, Brno
přednosta doc. MUDr. M. Lejska, CSc., MBA.
Published in:
Otorinolaryngol Foniatr, 65, 2016, No. 1, pp. 44-47.
Review Article
The article describes in detail a new behavioral method for hearing examination suitable especially in the smallest children. It is the Visual Reinforcement Audiometry, VRA. The method employs the formation of a conditional reflex of acoustic and visual stimulation in children and subsequent testing of acoustic-defined stimuli only. If the child reacts to the acoustic signal only in the same way as in the formation of a conditional reflex, it is obvious that the child must have heard the sound.
The paper describes precisely individual methods of examination, i.e. the defined stimulating sound signal, as well as the visual stimulus used. The examination proved to be indispensible in two areas. First, it is used in the examination of a delayed evolution of speech in children, when it is necessary to define precisely the state of hearing perception. Then, in particular, it is employed as a diagnostic method for examination of hearing in children suspected of such damage. The objectives of the examination include: determination of hearing state in children at the age of about 6 months, the determination of frequency-specific hearing thresholds, the determination of the effect of correction of hearing loss by hearing aid or cochlear implantation, the comparison of effects of correction according individual types of the hearing air used, the control of the effect of the hearing aid immediately after setting or after changing the parameters, and the possibility of verification of hearing in mentally retarded children.
It is a unique method of hearing examination in the Czech Republic, which the publication not only illustrates, but it also recommends all audiology workplaces, which preferentially deal with the examination or correction of hearing defects in the smallest children. The importance of this kind of examination was indisputably increased after introduction of general screening of hearing in newborn children.
Visual Reinforcement Audiometry, behavioral method
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Audiology Paediatric ENT ENT (Otorhinolaryngology)Article was published in
Otorhinolaryngology and Phoniatrics

2016 Issue 1
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