Oropharyngeal tularemia with skin manifestation: Sweet’s syndrome

Authors: B. Stárková ;  Richard Salzman
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika otorinolaryngologie a chirurgie hlavy a krku LF UP a FN Olomouc
Published in: Otorinolaryngol Foniatr, 71, 2022, No. 4, pp. 225-229.
Category: Case Reports
doi: https://doi.org/10.48095/ccorl2022225


The authors present a case report of a patient with unilateral tonsillitis and severe non-specific inflammatory response not responding to anti-bio­tic therapy. Along with persistent local and systemic symptoms, the patient also developed skin exanthema and cervical lymphadenopathy. The definitive dia­gnosis of oropharyngeal tularemia was confirmed after several weeks, based on serological and histological findings. Finally, the targeted antibio­tic therapy led to rapid symptom resolution. The authors describe an unusual combination of the dia­gnoses, which resulted in a prolonged and initially unsuccessful therapy. Symptoms resembling to tonsillitis, which persist despite the use of antibio­tics, should lead to reconsideration of suspected dia­gnosis.


tularemia – lymphadenopathy – tonsillitis – Sweet’s syndrome


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