Ambulatory Screening of Tumours of the Pontocerebellar Angle

Ambulantný screening tumorovmostomozočkového uhlav

V práci sa prezentuje ambulantný screening tumorov mostomozočkového uhla. Screeningbol prevzatý z literatúry a bol overený na 21 pacientoch s tumorom mostomozočkového uhla, ktoríboli operovaní na našom pracovisku. Umožňuje komplexné zhodnotenie stavu pacienta a tým dobrúselekciu na vyšetrenie NMR už v ambulantnej otorinolaryngologickej praxi. Používanie screeningunevyžaduje dovybavenie ambulancie finančne drahými prístrojmi. Tento screening je dobrýmdoplnkom aj v klinickej diagnostike.

Klíčová slova:
neurinóm n. VIII, index suspektnosti, screening, algoritmus.

Authors: J. Kovaľ
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika otorinolaryngológie a foniatrie LF UPJŠ a FNsP, Košice, prednosta doc. MUDr. J. Kovaľ, CSc.
Published in: Otorinolaryngol Foniatr, , 1999, No. 1, pp. 32-35.


The author presents an account on ambulatory screening of tumours of thepontocerebellar angle. The procedure was adopted from the literature and tested in 21 patients witha tumour of the pontocerebellar angle who were operated at the authors’ department. The proceduremakes comprehensive evaluation of the patient’s condition possible and thus also selection for NMRexamination already in ambulatory ENT practice. The screening does not require expensive equip-ment. This screening is a useful supplement in clinical diagnostics.

Key words:
neurinoma of the VIIIth nerve, suspicion index, screening, algorithm.

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