Obstructive Sleep Apnea – the Importance of Septoplasty and Turbinoplasty
Part II (Practical)

Authors: T. Pniak 1;  P. Matoušek 1 ;  P. Štrympl 1;  V. Novák 2;  Pavel Komínek 1
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika ORL Fakultní nemocnice Ostrava ;  přednosta doc. MUDr. P. Komínek, Ph. D., MBA Klinika dětské neurologie Fakultní nemocnice Ostrava 1;  přednostka MUDr. M. Kunčíková 2
Published in: Otorinolaryngol Foniatr, 59, 2010, No. 4, pp. 186-189.
Category: Original Article


The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the effect of septoplasty and turbinoplasty in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnoe (OSA) and snoring (rhonchopathia)

Material and methods:
Authors present specimen of 20 patients with decreased nasal patency and snoring. There was nasal septal deviation and inferior turbinate hypertrophy observed by rhinoendoscopy and surgical correction was performed. Preoperatively and postoperatively rhinomanometry and limited polygraphy was obtained, with special emphasis on AHI (Apnoe/Hypopnoe Index) and SI (Snoring Index). Subjective outcome and daytime sleepiness has been evaluated also.

In patients, OSA was detected, none patient suffered from benign snoring. Postoperatively, significant decrease of AHI (p=0.0038) and SI (p= 0.0441) was described, even though criterion of successful surgical treatment of OSA has not been reached. There was improvement of nasal patency, proved by rhinomanometry. Decrease of snoring has been observed subjectively.

Nasal surgery is an additional method of treatment of OSA.

Key words:
septoplasty, obstructive sleep apnea, rhonchopathy, rhinomanometry.


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