Tracheal Stenosis Caused by Nodular Goiter in a Patient after Previous Tracheostomy

Authors: M. Hyravý 1;  M. Brož 1;  Richard Salzman 1 ;  V. Kolek 2
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika otorinolaryngologie a chirurgie hlavy a krku LF UP a FN Olomouc 1;  Klinika plicních nemocí a tuberkulózy LF UP a FN Olomouc 2
Published in: Otorinolaryngol Foniatr, 68, 2019, No. 3, pp. 166-170.
Category: Case Reports


In a case report we present a 59-year old patient with large goiter causing a respiratory insufficiency by tracheal compression in a place of previous tracheostomy. The resulting tracheal stenosis contraindicated surgical procedure under general anaesthesia. This condition was solved in cooperation with pneumologist. A tracheal stent insertion was followed by total thyroidectomy. The stent was removed four months after the surgery. Thereafter the patient had no breathing difficulties.


tracheal stenosis – nodular goiter – stent


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