Experiences with the objective examination of swallowing using the flexible endoscopy in the years 2014–2021
M. Dubová 1; N. Lasotová 2,3
; M. Budíková 4
; V. Uhrová 1; N. Blažková 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddělení ORL, FN Brno
1; Neurologická klinika FN Brno
2; Katedra speciální a inkluzivní pedagogiky PeF MU, Brno
3; Ústav matematiky a statistiky PřF MU, Brno
Published in:
Otorinolaryngol Foniatr, 72, 2023, No. 2, pp. 78-86.
Original Article
Introduction: Flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) is an objective dia gnostic method designed to assess the oropharyngeal dysphagia. The presence of swallowing disorder and the optimal management settings signifi cantly aff ect patients’ clinical status and quality of life. Methods: From 2014 to 2021, FEES was prospectively evaluated against the penetration-aspiration scale for eight disease categories – stroke, other focal brain lesions, head and neck tumours, neurodegenerative diseases, refl ux diseases, polyneuropathy associated with artifi cial lung ventilation, cervical spine surgery and other diseases. Results: A total of 2,601 FEES examinations were carried out at our workplace. Oropharyngeal dysphagia was confi rmed in two-thirds of all cases. The highest incidence of penetration and aspiration, i.e. in more than 70% of examinations, has been shown in stroke and other focal brain lesions. In one quarter of all examinations in the total set, silent aspiration was demonstrated. Conclusion: The objective examination of swallowing FEES should be part of comprehensive hospital care for a patient at risk of dysphagia. Early detection of swallowing pathology reduces the risk of complications associated with dysphagia. FEES examination is an important dia gnostic method within the framework of interdisciplinary cooperation, not only in patients with diseases in the ENT area.
risk assessment – dysphagia – endoskopy – diagnostic techniques and procedures
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